Спасательный парашют для параплана ReSCue Standart

Rescue parachute for paragliding, made of special fabric of low breathability F-111 of various areas-from 25 square meters at a cost of 280 Euros for very light pilots, to a tandem 68 and 90 square meters.

Цена: 280 EUR
Вес: 1.5 kg



Classical design. The maximum simplicity of the design is very important for a rescue parachute – because the simpler the design, the more reliable it is, and reliability is the most important quality of a rescue parachute (spare tire).

ReSCue parachutes ReSCue SC 25/34/41/54/68 are made according to the classic scheme, a flat circle in the cut with a retracted top. Opening occurs according to the shock scheme, when the filled dome pulls the slings. The parachute opens quickly and provides a safe rate of descent.

Rescue parachute for paragliding, made of special fabric of low air permeability F-111 of various areas-from 25 square meters for very light pilots, to the tandem SC-68.

Attention, rescue parachutes for paragliders can not be used as spare parachutes in parachute systems, because the speed at which the opening of the spare differs several times.

ReSCue parachutes are intended only for paragliding.

Prices and sizes of rescue parachutes

Standard (weight normal)

square meters   25  |  34  |  41  |  54   |   68  |  90

weight, kg          1,5 | 1.78| 2.14| 2.72 | 3.28 |

max load, kg     80  | 110  | 140 | 180 | 220 |

Euros                280 | 310 | 360 | 490 | 600 | 790


square meters   25  |  34  |  41  |  54   |   68  |  90

weight, kg        0,98| 1.22 |1.42| 1.86 |2.23 |

max load, kg     80  | 110  | 140 | 180 | 220 |

Euros                370 | 420 | 470 | 600 | 740 | 960

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